Hair cut

My hair was getting a little long..
Fortunately I had two helpers ;-)

2 x 30

I 2000 Lise and I both turned 30, so we decided, to have one big party.

I build a bar and a couple of salon doors and then we invited all our friends and closest family to a western party.

Everybody was there….
Cowboys and Mexicans.

Hustlers and Indians

We even had a old squaw and a hillbilly

And offcourse COWGIRLS!!!

Here I am between my wife and my sister....

There where spareribs…

And chilli

Big glasses...

And small glases


But the only right way to drink Tequila…
Body Tequila

We had a lot of Tequila

Maybe to much.....

Great party

If the Mexicans wasn’t drinking

or hitting on my sister

they where sleeping in the corner…

It was a great party...

I haven't had this much fun in a longtime...