It was great finely to meet the two cooks and the waiter, I was also suppose to get a baker in the group, but he was in Kosovo on another mission, so he would join us later.
Let me tell a little about the guys.

Peter Prahl:
Professional cook, 5 years older than me, never been in the army, but working in a Danish base just outside Copenhagen.
Prahl have a wife and two small girls, they live just outside Elsinore (Helsingør).

Per Jensen:
The grand old man
;-) Per is 8 years older than me, also a professional cook and never been in the army too. He and his wife live in Copenhagen.

Søren Ib Andreas Jensen:
Just known as SIA. He recently finished his basic training in the army, serving in KAR. Before joining the army, he was a skilled waiter.

Efter a hair cut they startet to look like real solders ;-)
They where both very exited about all the army stuff since it was all new for them ;-)